Tuesday, February 15, 2011


As I sit here staring at my macbook pro, I think of all the things that have taken place over the past four years. The reason this comes to mind is that today I was taken to St. John the Beloved, my former school, to do a Catholic Schools Week event. As I walked in the building, I took notice of many things, but mainly the fact that I felt like a giant compared to everything in the school. This was completely shocking, because it was only four years ago that I was sitting in those seats thinking of my future at St. Marks.
Then later today when we finished at St. Johns, we stopped at the mall for lunch, and as I am eating my McDonald’s some of my friends suggest to go shopping. So we begin walking around the mall, and we meet up with this other group that came with us to the mall. As we are walking around, we just casually walk into Spencer’s, and as we are looking at their fares someone is just looking at stuff saying that we have to bring this to Senior Week after graduation. Immediately, my mind starts spinning with the thought of whats going to happen during that week. 
Then as we leave Spencer’s, it just pops into my head that this year is already more than half-way over. This depresses me, because it means I only have until the end of the summer with the people who I have known for four years, four of the greatest years of my life. I mean I have had some of my greatest memories in this school. For instance, I have made many friends who I wouldn’t trade the world for, and I have had many great experiences; but I’m going to miss this, since I am probably going to go to college somewhere away from Delaware and make a whole bunch of new friends. However, in spite of all that’s going to happen within this next year, I will never forget what St. Marks and everyone I met have done for me, and hopefully I never will.


  1. This is really depressing. As much as I cannot wait to go to college, it makes me sad to think how fast these four years flew by. I complain every day that I can't wait to leave, but thinking back on these past years I have nothing to complain about. I know once I go off to college four hours away I probably won't stay in touch with the close friends I have made. Now that I think about it, I have less than four months of school left with these people that I have seen everyday for the past four years. It's sad to think about but I know I will make a whole new group of friends next year in college.

  2. Ah, It is not so bad, people. I am still great friends with the girl I met on my first day at Padua oh so many years ago. We have lived through weddings, funerals, sickness, kids, facebook, new jobs, lost jobs, brothers, you name it. I still know that I could call her tonight and she would come if I needed her. So, yeah, it is almost over, but it's not really over unless you let it be.

  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/egyptians/apocalypse_egypt_01.shtml

  4. You won't lose me bud, 23A Mckinley is a life long bond!

  5. I have to agree with Lindsay, this blog made me sad as well. It is kind of scary how fast the years at St. Marks have gone. It's really hard to believe that thers only a couple of months until we go off to another place to have another four years at. I have had many memories over the past four years, and I know that there will be certain things I miss, I am still excited about opening another chapter of my life. As for the friends, I don't plan on letting them slip away, and even if we do not talk as much as in high school, as long as we all try to stay in contact then I know we will always be there for each other.
