Christmas time, one of the greatest times of the year, where family and friends get together to celebrate the holidays and enjoy good food. Now I don’t know about everyone else, but Christmas is by far my favorite holiday. Other than how busy everyone is and how stressed everyone gets because they are trying to get done some last minute shopping or trying to clean their house in time for the Christmas celebration they are having. For instance, after I’m done blogging, I’m going to go clean my house for my mother... I’m actually being forced to do this but that’s besides the point.
After all this is done, however, I realize that Christmas is only two days away. Now I remember when I was little and I would always sneak downstairs at six in the morning to see what presents Santa had gotten me. Those were the days, however I still find myself doing the same sort of thing now that I’m older. I still wake up relatively early, 8:00 now, and can’t get back to sleep because of the hype of it being Christmas. It’s just something I can’t outgrow and brings out the kid in me.
Now as I go to finish my daily chores of cleaning the house, and going to finally get a job, I will be constantly thinking of how the next two days will be and how they are the two most exciting days of the year for most people.